  • Layout Style
  • Texture for Boxed, Framed, Rounded Layout Background

  • Font
    • Body:

    • Menu:

    • Title:

    * Fonts are used to example. You able to use 600+ google web fonts in the backend.

(+886) -2-29076666 Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 18:00

About us

40 New Icons in 4.3

Web Application Icons

Transportation Icons

Gender Icons

File Type Icons

Spinner Icons

Form Control Icons

Payment Icons

Chart Icons

Currency Icons

Text Editor Icons

Directional Icons

Video Player Icons

Brand Icons


Apparently, Adblock Plus can remove Font Awesome brand icons with their "Remove Social Media Buttons" setting. We will not use hacks to force them to display. Please report an issue with Adblock Plus if you believe this to be an error. To work around this, you'll need to modify the social icon class names.
  • All brand icons are trademarks of their respective owners.
  • The use of these trademarks does not indicate endorsement of the trademark holder by Font Awesome, nor vice versa.

Medical Icons

  • 堅持卓越傳統


  • What We Do?

    專業諮詢: 耐心溝通並了解用戶需求,提供多種方案以及選擇,輕鬆並且安全地找到適當的產品。我們專業的服務人員因應您的生意模式搭配出最佳共同成長的未來!量身訂做:面對面現場勘查和徹底的需求評估是成功設計的起點, 普力摩專業團隊將為您量身設計一個解決方案系統設定:產品日新月異,應用跟變化非常廣泛,我們依照現場架構規劃,事先設定、程式、分類包裝以及完全整合,工程現場只需要安裝跟電源供應,即可正常運作!專案管理:普力摩與夥伴共同經營專案,透過各種面向包括系統環境、安裝環境、網路環境以及用戶習慣等等,共同打造成功以及效率的雙贏局面!


Our History

  • 105年


  • 102年


  • 100年


  • 99年


  • Expanding Goal

    To further develop our corporate strengths we have established a corporate mandate to maintain strong core values.

  • Company Vision

    The Company continues to move forward in become the leading Engineering and Construction firm in the world.

  • Our Mission

    Creating a sustainable future through building preservation, green architecture, and smart design.


Want To Be A Piece Of Us?

We give a chance for people to work in the professional environment with challenges and values. Come with us!